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Bluetooth LE > Mac Communication

Date posted: March 2, 2015
Payment method: Fixed
Budget: $750.00
Estimated end date: 2015-03-07

I’m looking for a programmer which has experience with Bluetooth LE.
The program will receive information from a bluetooth LE device (it is a MOOV fitness tracker http://welcome.moov.cc) and send information in realtime to the mac through UDP (or OSC) communication.
Information will be accelerometric, gyroscopic and magnetometric data.

NB The protocol of the fitness tracker has been reverse engineered, so the programmer will be provided with the required documentation to communicate with it.

Cerco un programmatore con esperienza in Bluetooth LE.
Il programma dovrà comunicare con un device Bluetooth LE (è un fitness tracker http://welcome.moov.cc) e dovrà spedire in tempo reale le informazioni a un Mac attraverso una connessione UDP o OSC.

NB Il protocollo del Moov è gi stato “reverse engineered” e sarà fornito al programmatore

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